The press conference from today went perfect, hundreds of Russians had gathered at the Moscow international trade center to find out the new measures that would be applied in mother Russia for the next years, Vladimir Putin has a gift for moving masses of conservative people who have their very own ideas of what it means glory for a nation, the applauses and ovations sound loudly in the building as the white man annouces that from now on, no one could change their biological gender, homosexuals adoption will not be possible anytime so the new generations won't be confused, othodox values would be the only ones that matter, everyone's behavior would have to be according to the mandates from God. The blue eyes of the gray-haired male wander throughout the venue, seeing the victorious faces of his followers, making him feel an incredible power, but not everybody is so happy, the president knows that there is a group of queers protesting against his actions, a handful of deviants with posters and rainbow flags resist outside trying to show their opinion, the hatred that he feels for those people is beyond the ordinary.
The 1.70 cm tall man gets up from the chair where he had made his statements, smiles widely at the public and leaves, followed by his entourage, the paparazzi take photos everywhere he goes, but he only says “hello” and nods. Today he dresses his customary formal black suit, very tight, his pants shows a big bulge in his crotch, the superb man walks with a determined step, his forehead always pointing high , his black shoes leave a mark wherever he steps; He is thinking about how easy is for photographers to enter everywhere he is, maybe he should do something about it, after all, he ca do whaterever he wants, he consideres himself the king of Russia.
He leaves through the front door, still harassed by dozens of people including admirers and photographers, he farewells before getting into his limousine, sits down and another two men join him inside, one of his advisers and a bodyguard in shift.
-Excellent speech today sir – communicates his advisor, a tall whithe man who is also waring a tight black suit.
-I know Vladislav, today has been a remarkable day in our history as a country – answered Vladimir Putin seriously
-Soon our ideology will be unquestioned, and with you in command of the country, we will be safe under the eyes of God for many more years, cheers – Vladislav Surkov, a man almost the same age of Putin, with a plump face and very short grey hair.
Suddenly the president keeps silence for a few minutes when the limousine crosses to the next street, a vision that kills the president's mood, a group of protesters had their way blocked, as the car comes closer, Putin is able to read some of the signs, words like “Homophobia”, “Old-fashioned policies” and “Dictator” are wroten in them, the man's gaze becomes a deep well of hatred, his hate against homosexuals is difficult to measure, and even more with this type of behavior, among the crowd there are people almost naked, transvesties and deviants, this is more that he can take, Putin takes his cellphone and makes a call to the police's director.
-What is the meaning of this? Take care of this faggots now! Or do you wanna lose your job? I don't care about their miserable lives, put them out of my way – Yells Putin at the phone.
Almost instantly, the order is carried exactly as Putis said, the security force attacks the people gathered there, pellet's shots, batons and blows are the responses from the police to the protesters, Vladimir and Vladislav can't contain a laugh, they look smiling at each other like kids, they observe through the window how a gay couple is terribly attacked by 4 officers, it also amuses them enormously to see how a transvesti is dragged by his wig through the middle of the street; but something incredible happens then, a group of protestets block the path of the limousine, behind there are several officers trying to reduce a group of young people with banners, the limousine has not other choice, they stop.
Suddenly, a handful of 10 men with masks on their faces surround the president's car, they star to shake the limousine side to side, two bodyguards are repelled by the crowd. This is the first time that the Russian feels a little bit nerveous.
-What are you doing sitting there? Do something you stupid - Tells Vladislav to the bodyguard sitting in front of him
The guy is scared as hell, he is a 29-year-old young man but he has been working for the goverment for several years, he is very tall, and quite thick in his shoulders, he has white skin and black hair, his blue eyes show some fear, but his job is more important of course, the guy opens the door, takes out his gun and shoots at the sky, inmediatly all the protesters around run away from the car, the man smiles victoriously, but this happiness does not last for too long, Vladimir Putin watches from inside as three men with masks come back out of nowhere and surround his bodyguard, the guy aims his gun at the closest enemy, but he is not fast enough, the man behind the bodyguard lifts his leg and kicks his testicles, reaching his most vulnerable part, the boy drops the weapon and closes his eyes, then the other two masked men hold him by the arms and the first one kicks him another 5 times in the same place, right in the middle of his legs from behind, the bodyguard who's wearing a tight suit, screams painfully as high as his lungs allow him, they release him and he falls in a fetal position on the floor covering his balls.
Before they could do anything else, a group of protesters get into the limousine, one of them opens the driver's door, grabs the brunet man from his packacge and pulls him out of the car, then he knees him right in the crotch beating him, then the man gets into the car, meanwhile, in the passengers seats there are 6 men who get in, moving Vladimir Putin and Vladislav Surkov aside, they are now very close to each other, the driver starts the vehicle and this is how they kidnap two Russian males, in a few minutes.
The journey of the now captured rulers of Russia is aggressive, Putin watches through the window as the streets become older, they entered into an old road full of vegetation, he can't understand how this is happening, everybody in his team are experts and still a group of kids had managed to kidnape him, it is unimaginable, but he does not feel any fear.
Three masked men hold Vladimir Putin, and not only that, they grope with their hands the body of the Russian, touching underneath his clothes, squeezing his circular buttocks, rubbing his package and his nipples, they hold him tightly and force him to keep his face forward, so he can enjoy the show they do with his friend and colleague Vladislav, the unfortunate adviser is also groped over his body, taking off his clothes, the handsome older man is desperate, he tries to scape but he can't, at one point, two of the kidnapers start hitting his ball's bulge with slaps, while another one puts a finger into his ass hole aggressively, they kiss and hug the man like he was a lover. When they get bored, they move Vladislav and sit him naked on Putin's legs, amid laughter and hutful comments, they force them to kiss each other, while they continue gropping the two russian males. The limousine stops in front of a garage at a abandoned house in the middle of the forest, the six men open the doors and take the president and his asistant out, Putin almost falls when he gets out, looks ahead as they carry him into the home, then he hears a gunshot behind him, a gasp from Vladislav is the last the president hears before steeping into the darkness
A group of at least 20 people is inside the house, all they dressed up in black robes and masks, Vladimir Putin is led trhough the middle of these people who begin to yell at him and throw things at him as he passes by, suddenly a man aproaches and gives the Russian patriarch a good ball squeeze, the 6 men who took him from the limousine stop, so the stranger man can squeeze openly both testicles. Putin feels a stabbing pain in his manhood, the hand closes more tightly in his member, reducing the space between the palms and his black suit that is not enough shield against the tremendous grip, he finally lets go and the march continues, but now everyone in there hit Putin's crotch as best as they can: kicks, throwing objects, knees, a man even aproaches and quickly bites the president bulge, everyone laugh at this. They finally locates Vladimir in the center of the room, they tie him with his legs open, then they take off his pants, leaving him there naked, one of the 6 masked men speaks:
-Here we are, we'll see the fall of this regime, after years of preparation, today we can say it, we destroy the masculinity of this subject – Everyone starts to claim victoriously. - Let the executioner pass! - He shouts, a door opens and a giant of at least 2 meters tall comes in, it is a big but quite effeminate man, he stands in front of Putin.
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